What were the chances?  Telluride is a town filled with retrievers…perhaps that can become my specialty?  It might just turn out that way!

Meet Zeek!   He nearly ran across the highway to greet me when he saw me coming.  Gotta love those Labs.

Zeek is a Chocolate Lab, and a very typical one…..crazy about his tennis balls.   We had a serious problem getting shots of him actually holding the ball though!  The minute he had it, he would lower his head to the ground like he was trying to hide it….has someone stolen your tennis ball one too many times, Zeek?

Throw it, Mom!!

We had really hoped for a sunny evening, but the clouds were not cooperating.  We headed up to the cemetery, where there are great views of the mountains….just in case the sun made an appearance.   We waited….and Zeek posed, like he had been modeling all his life.   Doesn’t he look handsome in his star collar (from Mountain Tails, of course)!

…still no sun!!  I think Zeek sensed my depression, and decided to get goofy on me….pouncing on his ball, giving his mom kisses, and generally being a nut.  At this point we were both rolling around on the grass, having a blast.

Thank you Carolyn and Kit, especially Carolyn who waited with me for the clouds to leave!  Zeek was a blast to photograph.

Lisa Bottinelli I just love the pictures! Zeek gets more and more handsome by the day. My favorite would have to be the one with the tennis ball in his mouth. It put a big smile on my face. Great work!

Carolyn I love the second one with the one tooth showing. Some really great shots even without the sun.

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